Hello beautiful creatures.
Currently , I’m doing my posting at Putrajaya Hospital
This week, I’m in evening shift, so my working hour is
including zohor, asar and maghrib time.
Tak dinafikan memang susah nak penuh solat 5 waktu kalau
kerja petang. Ward memang buzyy habes, kadang-kadang nak buang air pun sampai
kena tunggu dihujung tanduk, apentah lagi nak duduk lepak-lepak menghilangkan lenguh and kesengalan, memang tak dapat ! Tapi kadang-kadang dapat ward yang passive pun mane boleh kuar kerap
sangat, nanti instructor and staff akan marah. Lagi-lagi kita student, we need
to learn many things, dari keje PPK sampai Specialist kita kena amik tahu.
Usually, my break-time is on 4.30pm till 5.00pm, so ada masa boleh solat asar. Surau Hospital Putrajaya mmg small in size compare to Hospital Serdang. Kalauu tak salah, surau ada dua sahaja, satu di tingkat 2 (maternity ward) and tingkat 4. Mostly staff will pray at 4th floor, sebab 2nd floor tu untuk ibu-ibu mengandung (:
Kate Middleton ! |
My point is, bila I enter the surau, I saw something so beautiful. Beautiful feelings yang tak dapat nak di-express-kan. I'm not being sarcastic, just imagine, there's Radicare (Cleaner), Patient, Sister , Staff Nurses, Student Nurses, Student Doctors, Doctors, Specialist and etc inside the Surau. All of us wajib solat no matter what is our roles in the hospital. That show me Allah and Islam never judge you or being bias according your occupation, intelligence, physical appearance or even your keturunan. We are all the same, kita hanya hamba Allah, khalifah Allah di muka bumi. Allah hanya meminjam kan sahaja segala apa yang kita miliki. You just have to use it wisely and mensyukuri. And ofcourse you need to thanks Allah.
I believe, not only in Masjid or Surau, even in the other religious places, there's no double standard. Everyone is the same and need to respect each other. Bak kata mesej-mesej dalam iklan media, yang muda disayangi, yang tua dihormati .
Saya percaya, setiap orang yang kita jumpa diluar sana ada sesuatu yang kita boleh pelajari daripada dia, walaupun hanya seorang tukang sapu.Get my point dearie ?
Hey-hey, renung-renungkan dan selamat meng-improve ourselves and community (: