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Monday, August 26, 2013

13 Hari Sebelum Berkerjaya


   Harini aku seorang penganggur selepas tamat belajar bulan Jun yang lalu, maknanya dah dua bulan aku menganggur. Aku bahagia sangat menganggur ni buktinya I gained 5kg. Thats so really great huh -.-
okayy, tapi kegembiraan aku dah sampai ke penghujung, I need to back on track and face the reality.

   So berdasarkan surat kat atas tu, kerjaya aku akan bermula pada 9/9/2013. Aku dapat bertugas kat negeri kelahiran and tempat tinggal keluarga aku sekarang. Lucky me takpayah pergi Sabah Sarawak, tapi takut jugak dapat hospital hulu-hulu selangor. Well, kalau dah dapat nak buat macam mana, kena redha la. Tapi kalau dapat Serdang aku sangat bersyukur. Senang aku nak jalankan plan-plan dalam otak ni and jugak jimaat. Rumah and kereta bole pakai harta makbapak lagi. haha. Aminn

   Hmm siapa cakap nak kerja tu senang? memang takde orang cakap pon kan. Hahaha. Banyak gila benda kena buat sebelum lapor diri weh, dahla banyak benda, duit pon banyak habis. Lagi-lagi kerjaya yang pakai uniform macam aku ni. Tempah uniform, medical check up, kwsp, beli tudung, kasut dan macam-macam lagi sampai ketibas aku nak settlekan. haha. Tapi sangat bersyukur, sebab lepas ni aku tak payah meminta-minta kat parents aku dah, aku pulak boleh memberi-beri, tapi kalau mama papa taknak duit aku, aku redha dengan gembiranya. haha. Niat dah salah aku ni.

   Tu nak settlekan hal-hal pentadbiran, hal knowledge and skill untuk mula kerjaya ni pon aku takut jugak. Dengan level IQ aku sekarang confirm aku kena maki-maki ngan senior colleague aku. ohmaiiii akoot. dah tu still tak reti-reti nak start refresh notes kan. Bad ayu bad ! 

 Perasaan aku semua bercampur-baur, paling banyak is NERVOUSGEMURUH, gembira sebab dapat kerja,excited sebab nak masuk new phase in life, sedih sebab aku takdapat bermalas-malasan atas katil empuk aku ni sekerap dulu anddddd semua-semua laaa butterfly in my stomach semua ada. Nope bukan butterfly je, gajah, beruk , kangaroo, dugong semua ade dlm perut aku ni. hahaha.

   Belum start kerja lagi aku dah fikir nak sambung degree aku, yela Diploma mana orang pandang kan sekarang, kerdilnya rasa. Kawan-kawan aku pun semua dah hampir genggam degree. Tapi aku percaya pelan-pelan kayuh aku akan sampai tempat yang aku tuju tu. Dengan izin ALLAH and doa-doa korang. Semoga Allah permudahkan perjalanan hidup aku.  Oh ye, Aku harap bila aku dah mula berkerjaya ni aku akan matang cikit and kurus banyak. hahaha. 

   Korang doakan saya berjaya lalui segala cabaran yang mendatang k. Aminn. Akan cuba sedaya upaya buat dengan sebaiknya and yang penting ikhlas , kerja kan ibadah jugak. hee.

kita dengan tudung misi ;P

nota kaki: Kita tengok 6 bulan akan datang selepas aku bekerja macam mana pergi dia. haha.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Basic Life Support / Basic Principle of CPR

Hello caring and concern MALAYSIAN :)

Last Saturday, I attend the basic life support training or CPR class. CPR is not only can be done by health care giver, people with no medical background also can do since it is a simple procedure yet can be so helpful in saving other's life. So, I'm here to share my experiences and explain the simplest way to do CPR.

Well let me introduce the terms and basic principle of CPR.

 1) CPR : Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation. (baca: bantuan pernafasan mulut-ke-mulut)
 2) AED : Automated External Defibrillator (baca: kejutan elektrik dgn kadar minimum)

Objectives of CPR :

1) To keep BRAIN alive.
2) To delay/stop the process of biological death.


1) Without oxygen, brain will start damage in 4 minutes. As we do compression (baca: tekan dada atleast 5cm) it will extend to 10 minutes. If we give mouth-to-mouth oxygen, we will extend the minutes and prevent brain damage. (If brain death, human are also dead and its not reversible)

STEP to do CPR :

acronyms of DR CAB

D - DANGER (bahaya)
R- RESPONSE (tindak balas)

C- COMPRESSION (tekanan dada)
A- AIRWAY (saluran pernafasan)
B- BREATHING (pernafasan)


D- DANGER : If we found a collapsed victim in anyplace, before we attend to the victim, we suppose to look out if theres any danger that may be harm us around the victim. well, safety first people :)

R- RESPONSE : Check for the victim response by tapping hard on their shoulder. Shout at them as loud as you can, because they may be only fainted or sleeping. so you no need to wasting your energy to CPR. if theres no response, observe the chest movement and check the carotid pulse (2 finger from the adam's apple). if theres still no response, Call for ambulance and prepare the AED if available. Then, continue to the next step.

C- COMPRESSION (tekan dada) : You may begin to do compression 30 times and give mouth-to-mouth breathing 2 times. 30 compression: 2 breathing is consider 1 cycle. You may continue to  5 Cycles. 
Location to do compression : between the nipple line, put your both hand together, maintain your hand straight and start press the chest for 30 times. (Push hard, Push Fast)

Figure 1: Chest Compression Location

A-AIRWAY :  Collapsed victims or unconscious people, their tongue may fall backward and obstruct their airway. So victims cannot breathing as usual. To prevent this you need to tilt the head and lift the chin (dongakkan kepala) if not contraindicated. If you suspect victim has injured their neck, you may not tilt the head but do the Jaw Thrust (refer figure 3)

Figure 2: Head Tilt Chin Lift

Figure 3: Jaw Thrust

B-BREATHING : Now here come your mouth-to-mouth breathing. Give 2 times of breathing and continue for another 30 compression. Do it until completed 5 cycles. Special Warning, you did not know the healtg background or social history of the victims, do not do the direct contact to victims' mouth, use some barrier such plastic that you do a hole , and breath thru that.

When to stop : 
1) Victim recovers
2) Ambulance arrives
3) Another person take over to do CPR 
4) You are too tired to continue.

Atleast try to completed the 5 cycles before you stop.

Thanks for reading, reading without practice is totally NO use. Practice with your family or friends, you may help other people's live. Siapa tahu kan ? :)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Candy Crush Taught Me This !

1. Life is equal parts fun and frustrating. It is full of challenges every step of the way, yet it can also be sweet and colorful!

2. Help friends as much as you can. Life is all about give and take after all.

3. Ask friends for help when you need it. You'll be surprised at how many are able and willing.

4. There will not always be friends who can help you out. It happens. Suck it up and wait.

5. Life is not always fair. Sometimes you get lucky with a good board, sometimes you don't. Deal with it.

6. Persistence is the key to success. If you persist long enough, one of these days you are bound to get it right somehow. Or get lucky. Or both.

7. You won't always understand what's going on. That's fine, you're not expected to.

8.sometimes in life you are forced to wait when you run out of 'lives'. It doesn't mean it's game over, it just means you need to take a step back, rest and try again tomorrow.

haaaa, see sapa cakap main game tu buang masa je, theres always something to be learn on something. But this kinda addictive and can turn bad too. lets be moderate , cheers !

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sampaikan Rinduku

Izzue Islam and Sharifah Sakinah
Oh bulan sampaikan rinduku
Oh bintang kirimkan cintaku
Yang hilang pastikan bersatu
Oh sayang di dalam mimpimu

Oh bulan sampaikan rinduku
Oh bintang kirimkan cintaku
Yang hilang mungkinkah bersatu
Oh sayang di mana dirimu

Malam ini aku sendiri
Menanti dan terus menanti
Malam ini aku sendiri lagi
Menanti dan terus menanti

Usah ditangis lagi
Usah dirindu lagi
Pasti kita bertemu nanti
Usah ditangis lagi
Usah dirindu lagi
Pasti kita bertemu pasti
Pejamkan matamu kasih…

(OST Bunga Merah Punya)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

5 o'clock in the morning

hai belog, sekarang hampir pukul 5 pagi and saya takboleh tido. and tetiba rindu awak lah incik belog. hiks :D

sekarang 15hb march, saya akan tamat diploma on 12hb June, ohmaigad, kire sendiri bape bulan lagi je nak habes belajar. In shaa Allah. Hectic sangat okay final sem. Class memang banyak takde, tapi assigment dia jangan cakaplaa, banyak kalah orang pergi phimpunan bersih tahuu.

Ni takboleh tido penangan semalam habeskan case study yang 32 pages tulaa. Akhirnye weh siap, baru tenang sikit hidup. huu. Eh sebenarnya nak tulis pasal benda lain.ape eh ape eh ??? 
topik paling bosan tapi kita sangat perlukann benda ni dalam hidup. kaitan-kaitan cinta gitulaa. aku ni umur je dah 22 tapi can't afford sorang boyfren pun. sedih kan? sedih ke? aku okayy jer since besfren aku mostly semua pun single. hikhok :D

random conversation with my ex-schoolmate :

A: bodoh betul laa dia ni, dah 3 tahun, takkan tak boleh lupa EX dia lagi. Ex dia dah party sakan ngan boyfren baru la woit.

S: Alaa, ade je yang lagi bodoh, dah 5tahun  pun tak move on lagi. (dia ckp kat diri sendiri)

A: *krikkk krikkk*

haaa gitu dah 5 tahun kau tak move on lagi. cinta sejati sangat, tapi kalau itu yang membahagiakan kau apa salahnya. teruskan. bak kata tumblr, tak salah kau terlalu cinta kan seseorang, yang salah kau mengharapkan orang tu cintakan kau seperti mana kau cintakan dia. faham tak ? :D

Aku pernah baca satu ayat ni, Cinta itu membahagiakan, kalau derita yang datang, mungkin niat atau cara kau bercinta tu salah. Jadi perbetulkan atau tarik diri ajer. yela salah maksudnya, mungkin sejak kau bercinta kau jadi lalai, lupa tanggungjawab sebenar kau kann. Sebab tu Allah tarik nikmat bahagia dalam percintaan kan.

go paris with me <3
So antara orang yang stuck dengan cinta lama OR orang yang bercinta tapi takbahagia OR orang single bajet bagus and cakap CINTA itu useless menyusahkan macam prinsip aku. Mana lagi bagus ?

Single macam aku ni, siapa kata aku takde perasaan nak bercinta? siapa kata aku takpernah suka kat orang dalam masa 3 tahun single ni? Ada je suka kat orang, crush tu adela jugak tapi tu untuk cuci mata je, ada yang macam kena chemistry pun ada jugak. Tapi entahlaaa, orang cakap aku pemilih sangat. Bukan memilih tapi berhati-hati gitu. Lebih baik pendam daripada luahkan. Kalau luahkan pun tapi aku sendiri takpasti, kan dah  kecewakan orang lain. Jahat tahu, tak sampai hati nak buat lagi. *dush*

Sekarang dah 22 tahun, target umur 26. tapi kalau dah 26 aku tak reti-reti lagi nak bercinta macam mana? macam mana pulak kalau aku reti tapi takde yang datang, macam mana? huu. Tawakal ajelaa kan, sedangkan ajal maut pun taktahu, inikan pulak jodoh. Yang penting prepare diri untuk jadi yang terbaik. hiks, Ini semua poyooooo. 

#Kesianlaa kat aku takde orang nak borak dah pukul 5 pagi ni hoi.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


to travel
fall in love
be happy !

but, I've lost interest to all of this. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


this few back weeks,
banyak benda, banyak cerita, banyak konflik.
its not about me, this is the story of awesome people around me.

kejadian sebelum tido.

+aku serabutkan masalah aku yang satu ni kepada beratus-ratus lagi masalah. manusia perempuan macam aku ni memang suka overthinking. aku fikir-fikir-fikir sampai aku stress rasa nak muntah. itu biasa. aku comes with LOVE is bullshit-cikenshit, I should not involve in this love thingy, takpayah kawen supaya tak payah hadap konflik. sadis punya pemikiran kan ! *slap me to the hardest plis! jadi aku amek langkah bijak sebelum neuron-neuron otak aku pecah, aku amek wudhu cuci muka kasi suci, baca doa tido and belayar laa aku.

kejadian dalam mimpi.

+aku tak ingat detail sgt. tapi yang pasti aku mimpi aku sedang mengandung, dalam mimpi tu, with that big tummy aku baring atas katil, then someone datang from my back, hug me tightly and usap my pregnant tummy. That 'someone' probably my HUSBAND in that moment. *awww, tapi ta nampak muka punn* I tell you what, the moment he touch my tummy, the feeling was really AWESOME, i just dont know how to put them in words. tapi feelinggg dia bestttttt sangatt walaupun just dalam mimpi. feeling rasa lengkap sebagai seorang perempuan sebab dapat lahirkan zuriat ke dunia. maybe ? *Will ask my sis how does it feel. hikhik.

kejadian selepas mimpi.

+aku fikir. mimpi tadi tu Allah nak aku tarik kata-kata aku yg ckp all this love is bullshit, married is full of conflict. aku tahu aku harsh bout this matter. Aku tak patut come out with that idea, like a friend of mine said, "takde kebahagiaan datang tanpa kesedihan" But I just not enjoying life as a adult. There are more dramas then happiness, and I hate that ! Aku should dispose all this kind of feeling, I need to calm myself and build the love feeling to my heart again. Semoga keadaa bertambah baik , semoga jiwa-jiwa raksasa saya tak berperang sesama sendiri. aminnnnn :)
